Yves Gerster
“The JS1 is truly a revelation. I was surprised by how easy gliding can actually be. The ground handling is really easy, everything makes sense. The flight characteristics are amazing, you feel the thermal better and don’t have to concentrate so much on the flying. I keep being amazed by the performance, especially in 21 […]
Philippe de Pechy
“My first fight in a Jonker glider was in Potchefstroom, January 2018, in a JS1C-21m. This was only a few months before flying the JS1 in the Open Class during the WGC. The airspeed indicator was not working, however, I could still feel the glider extremely well – I immediately knew that I could trust […]
Zoran Frenc
“Flying the JS3 is extremely satisfying in every aspect including handling and performance. During the WGC in 2017, I broke a Serbian National record with an average speed of 151 km/h over a 750km flight. The best thing about JS gliders is that it gives you a feeling of safety at all phases of the […]
Oscar Goudriaan
“My first flight in the JS3 JET was amazing – but so again is every flight. What I especially like about my JS3 is that it performs really well in strong weather, with no compromise for weak conditions. My biggest achievement in the JS3 so far is flying a 164 km/h average during a 1250 […]
Katrin Senne
“My first flight with a JS3 JET was in Tswalu in 2018. I immediately fell in LOVE with this awesome glider and ordered one the same day. I was completely blown away by the nice handling, direct response, and ultimate feeling for the air even at a 60 kg/m2 wing loading. The comfortable seating position, […]