“My first flight with a JS3 JET was in Tswalu in 2018. I immediately fell in LOVE with this awesome glider and ordered one the same day. I was completely blown away by the nice handling, direct response, and ultimate feeling for the air even at a 60 kg/m2 wing loading. The comfortable seating position, good visibility, in reach of all the controls, ultimate performance specs in 15m and 18m class combined with the powerful JET propulsion or RES (Retractable Electric System) Self Launcher systems makes it a “MUST HAVE” for every glider pilot. No matter if recreational or competition pilot.
My biggest achievement is achieving an overall second place at the WGC in Hosin 2018 after 9 competition days. Unfortunately on day 10, all 6 leading JS3 pilots landed out, however, I still managed to end in the top ten with an overall 8th place. I also achieved 4th place in the Final SGP – Series X in St. Auban (France) 2021.”